Insta Gathering

Instagathering - speaker hall with many people and theatre banners



Custom Travel Marketplace






FacileMeeting/Instagathering is a dual branded portal that pioneered a travel marketplace for booking meetings at hotels. Meeting rooms, food & beverage, and audio visual items can be selected and booked online.



The portal had to be built from scratch since none of the existing platforms supported the custom user experience and inventory required for this portal. atmosol was also asked to come up with a digital marketing strategy and execute it for retail sales



  • Define the user experience to enable online booking of complex processes like menu selection suitable even for large events
  • Build a portal that supported online sales of meeting rooms, food & beverage, and audio-visual equipment online
  • Build the admin portal for customer service and finance for customer support and billing
  • Build another portal for hotel suppliers to easily update inventory, rates, etc. including the ability to provide rules-based pricing
  • Build workflows for corporate users that include internal processing in addition to booking



Creating a user experience to simplify a complex flow while considering mobile and desktop users was challenging. The architecture of the system was also very complex since there are multiple user types, all performing some activity that impacts elements of the flow. Further, the marketing had to be educational since most consumers are not used to booking events online


atmosol built a solution from the ground up using Microsoft .Net and Angular as the technology frameworks


Site is live in Italy and India and have thousands of hotel suppliers

The portal has added on several B2B clients who are currently the primary revenue source

Retail booking is picking up through marketing activities