B2B Ecommerce Platforms: What to Consider

B2B ecommerce platforms have gained significant traction in the digital landscape, emerging as a favored choice. These platforms provide businesses with a seamless online experience for procuring and vending products. However, the abundance of available options can present a daunting task when selecting the most suitable platform to meet your business requirements.

Understanding B2B Ecommerce

Businesses are turning to digital structures, leading to the popularity of B2B ecommerce platforms. In 2023, an estimated 17 percent of B2B sales are expected to be generated digitally. In 2019, this share was 13 percent. Overall, U.S. B2B online sales are projected to reach 1.8 trillion U.S. dollars in 2023. These platforms facilitate transactions between wholesalers and distributors. B2B ecommerce enables online transactions for large quantities of goods, providing business owners with better operational efficiency. With features like invoices, customer relationship management, and complete control over the online presence, B2B ecommerce platforms offer software solutions catering to large enterprises’ needs. By leveraging these platforms, businesses can enhance their online store and streamline their B2B ecommerce processes.

The Differences between B2B and B2C Ecommerce

B2B and B2C ecommerce have distinct differences in their target audience and functionality. B2B ecommerce primarily targets businesses, while B2C ecommerce caters to individual consumers. One key difference is that B2B platforms offer customer-specific pricing and bulk order capabilities, allowing companies to receive tailored pricing and make large-scale purchases. Additionally, B2B ecommerce transactions often involve negotiation and offline interactions, unlike the more straightforward online transactions of B2C ecommerce. The checkout process in B2B can be more complex to accommodate different payment terms. Furthermore, B2B marketing provides informational materials highlighting product features, benefits, and ROI for business owners.

A chart showing the differences between B2B and B2C

What Are The Benefits of Selling on a B2B Platform?

Selling on a B2B platform offers numerous benefits. B2B platforms provide a cohesive digital interface that facilitates the interaction between buyers and sellers, enabling businesses to extend their market reach and enhance their clientele. Moreover, these platforms empower companies to regulate access to particular web pages, pricing information, and product offerings, catering to distinct customer segments. This feature optimizes supplier and customer management, fostering improved control and coordination. By leveraging B2B platforms, businesses can seamlessly navigate the online landscape, effectively expanding their customer base and enhancing operational efficiency.

Top Contenders in B2B Ecommerce Platforms

BigCommerce Enterprise, Adobe Commerce (formerly Magento), and Shopify Plus are leading contenders in the B2B ecommerce platform market. 

BigCommerce Enterprise offers a user-friendly interface and robust features tailored to the specific needs of B2B businesses. 

Adobe Commerce is renowned for its highly customizable platform, enabling companies to create unique online experiences through extensive third-party integrations. 

Conversely, Shopify Plus provides a scalable solution for B2B businesses, offering a wide range of add-ons and apps to enhance functionality. 

These platforms empower business owners to streamline operations, manage invoices, and drive sales through online transactions, ensuring operational efficiency and improved time management for large enterprises.

Features of BigCommerce Enterprise

BigCommerce Enterprise is a robust ecommerce platform offering advanced features to support businesses in their online operations. With its advanced analytics and reporting capabilities, companies can make data-driven decisions to drive growth. The platform provides a seamless checkout process, offering various payment options and integrations for convenience. Customization and personalization features allow businesses to create a personalized user experience, enhancing customer satisfaction. 

Furthermore, BigCommerce Enterprise offers functionalities like customer-specific pricing and tiered pricing. With real-time inventory management and shipping integration, businesses can efficiently manage their operations. Overall, BigCommerce Enterprise empowers companies with the tools they need for success in the competitive ecommerce landscape.

BigCommerce B2B Edition

B2B Edition is a package that is a combination of BigCommerce Enterprise and the B2B Edition app. It offers a wide range of advanced features to meet the needs of B2B transactions. Punchout catalogs and quoting systems allow companies to streamline their purchasing process. The user-friendly interface and easy-to-use content management system make it simple for businesses to manage their online presence. Integrated with popular CRM systems, BigCommerce B2B Edition ensures operational efficiency. 

It also provides customizable pricing options and customer group management, giving business owners complete control over pricing strategies. With built-in SEO tools, it helps improve online visibility and attract potential customers.

Overview of Adobe Commerce

Adobe Commerce is an open-source platform that offers extensive customization options for b2b ecommerce websites. Advanced product management and inventory control features give business owners complete control over their online transactions. The platform seamlessly integrates with various payment gateways and shipping providers, ensuring hassle-free and secure transactions. 

Furthermore, Adobe Commerce offers a wide range of extensions and modules, such as invoices and social media plugins, allowing store owners to enhance the functionality of their web stores. With robust SEO capabilities, large enterprises can improve their online presence and drive organic site traffic.

Insights on Shopify Plus

Shopify Plus is a highly scalable and reliable platform usable by businesses of all levels. Advanced features like multi-channel selling and internationalization enable businesses to expand their reach and tap into new markets. Also, the platform seamlessly integrates with third-party apps and tools, enhancing functionality and customization. Business owners can enjoy customizable checkout options for different business models and payment terms. 

Shopify Plus offers 24/7 customer support, promptly addressing technical or operational issues. It’s a comprehensive solution that provides the necessary tools and support for B2B ecommerce success.

B2B platforms - bigcommerce, magento and shopify plus

What Makes a Good B2B Ecommerce Platform?

A good B2B ecommerce platform offers a user-friendly interface, robust security measures, and seamless integration with other systems. It also provides powerful search and filtering functionalities and flexible pricing options.

Consideration of Access Options, Roles, and Permissions

When establishing a B2B ecommerce platform, it is imperative to carefully contemplate the diverse access options, roles, and permissions. By incorporating role-based permissions, one can guarantee secure access to the platform and allocate distinct access levels to employees, customers, and partners. The definition of user roles and permissions enables the restriction of access to sensitive information, thereby safeguarding both business and customer data. 

The incorporation of multi-factor authentication is imperative for enhanced security. This functionality provides an extra safeguard level by requiring users to authenticate their identity through multiple methods. Additionally, keeping track of user activities with comprehensive audit logs provides transparency and accountability. By prioritizing these considerations, you can control your B2B ecommerce platform entirely and protect your business from potential risks.

Bulk Orders, Volume Pricing, and Minimum-Maximum Thresholds

Regarding B2B ecommerce platforms, offering features like bulk orders, volume pricing, and minimum and maximum thresholds can significantly streamline the ordering process for customers. Customers can easily place bulk orders through your platform, which ensures convenience and efficiency. 

Incentivizing larger orders with volume pricing discounts encourages customers to purchase more, benefiting both parties. Setting minimum and maximum order thresholds helps maintain control over order quantities. Automating calculations for bulk discounts and thresholds saves time and eliminates manual errors. Providing real-time inventory availability ensures accurate order fulfillment. Incorporating these features into your B2B ecommerce platform improves the operational efficiency and overall customer experience.

Necessity of Multiple Payment Options

Maximize customer satisfaction and boost traffic to your B2B ecommerce platform by providing various payment options. Credit card payments, online banking, and digital wallets cater to diverse customer preferences and ensure a seamless purchasing experience. Don’t miss out on potential sales – prioritize payment options. Integrating secure payment gateways that provide a safe and reliable transaction process is crucial. 

Additionally, consider partnering with popular payment providers to offer added convenience to your customers. Enable customers to save their payment information for future purchases, enhancing their overall shopping experience.

example of payments in checkout

Need for Systems Integrations

To maximize operational efficiency in B2B ecommerce, integrating your platform with existing systems like ERP and CRM is crucial. This integration allows real-time customer data, orders, and inventory syncing across platforms. Businesses can save time and resources by automating processes and reducing manual data entry.

Seamless communication between systems enables better efficiency and collaboration. When choosing a B2B ecommerce platform, it’s essential to consider flexible integration capabilities to ensure smooth system integration. Integrating systems streamlines operations enhances customer experiences and empowers business owners to have complete control over their online presence.

Role of Inventory Management

Inventory management plays a crucial role in the success of B2B ecommerce platforms. By ensuring real-time visibility of inventory levels, businesses can avoid overselling or stockouts, leading to improved customer satisfaction. Implementing inventory tracking and setting up automated alerts for low-stock items helps businesses stay on top of their inventory and make informed decisions. 

Additionally, enabling backorder and pre-order functionalities allows for effective inventory management. Integrating with barcode scanners or RFID technology further enhances accuracy in inventory management. With these strategies in place, businesses can efficiently manage their inventory, optimize operations, and provide a seamless experience to customers.

Inventory Management roadmap for B2B

Significance of Product Catalog Management

Maintaining a well-organized and up-to-date product catalog on your B2B ecommerce platform is crucial. Categorizing products based on attributes, categories, and hierarchies improves navigation for customers. Implementing search and filtering options enables easy product discovery, enhancing the overall user experience. Enabling batch product updates streamlines catalog management, making it more efficient. 

Supporting multiple product images and detailed descriptions gives customers a comprehensive understanding of your products. Implementing these catalog management practices is crucial for businesses seeking to enhance customer experience, boost sales, and streamline operations. When selecting the ideal B2B ecommerce platform, carefully weighing these factors becomes imperative. Take advantage of the opportunity to revolutionize your business and achieve unparalleled success.

The Impact of Advanced SEO Tools

Boost your B2B ecommerce platform’s visibility with advanced SEO tools. Optimize for search engines, generate SEO-friendly URLs and meta tags for your product pages, and rank higher in search results. Implementing schema markup further enhances your search visibility by providing additional information and context to search engines. Conducting keyword research helps you target relevant search terms for your customers. By monitoring website performance and making data-driven SEO improvements, you can ensure that your B2B ecommerce platform remains competitive and drives organic traffic.

Value of Personalized Experience

It is crucial to provide personalized experiences that cater to customers’ preferences. You can achieve this by implementing customer-specific pricing and discounts, offering customized product recommendations and promotions, and enabling features such as saved carts and wishlists for easy reordering. By tailoring the experience to individual customers, businesses can foster stronger relationships and increase customer satisfaction. 

Incorporating NLP terms such as customer relationship management, online transactions, and operational efficiency can optimize the personalized experience and drive better results. Offering a customized and convenient buying journey sets your business apart and creates a lasting impression on your B2B customers.

Ability to Sell Internationally Including Multi-Language Support

Expand your business globally using a B2B ecommerce platform offering multi-language support. With the ability to provide localized content and product information in multiple languages, you can effectively reach a wider international audience. Additionally, offering multi-currency transaction options ensures a seamless buying experience for customers worldwide. 

Complying with local tax regulations and shipping requirements is crucial for smooth cross-border operations. Furthermore, seamless translation and localization processes guarantee to convey your message in different languages. By embracing a B2B ecommerce platform with international selling capabilities, you can unlock new opportunities and establish a solid global presence.

Optimizing Your B2B Store for Mobile Devices

Maximize your B2B store’s potential by optimizing it for mobile devices. A mobile-friendly website is indispensable in today’s world, where business owners rely heavily on smartphones and tablets for online transactions. When selecting a B2B ecommerce platform, prioritize those with responsive design and mobile-friendly features to ensure success. 

Optimize your website for fast loading speeds on mobile devices to provide a seamless user experience. Easy navigation and checkout processes keep customers engaged on mobile devices. Use mobile-specific features like push notifications or location-based services to enhance your online presence and improve customer engagement.

Why Mobile Optimization is Essential for B2B Ecommerce.

Mobile optimization is crucial for success in B2B ecommerce due to buyers’ increasing use of mobile devices. Investing in a mobile-friendly design is vital for businesses to enhance user experience, increase repeat business, and garner positive reviews. A mobile-optimized site also boosts search engine rankings, making it easier for potential customers to find products. 

The responsive design guarantees a smooth transition across various devices, ensuring a uniform user experience. It is imperative to recognize the advantages it offers. By optimizing for mobile, B2B enterprises can capitalize on the escalating trend of mobile device purchasers, leading to amplified sales and revenue.

How Much Does a B2B Ecommerce Platform Cost?

The expenses linked with B2B ecommerce platforms may differ depending on the platform type and its characteristics. As a B2B company, you must account for one-time setup fees, subscription fees, and transaction fees. Furthermore, changes, integrations, and add-ons may entail additional charges. We strongly advise comparing price packages to guarantee you make the best option for your company. Don’t leave anything to chance; take control of your finances and select the best choice for your requirements.

B2B platforms Cost

Factors Influencing the Cost

When considering different B2B ecommerce platforms, several factors can influence the cost. B2B businesses should evaluate the platform’s scalability and the price structures offered by competing platforms. Finding pricing options tailored to meet customers’ specific requirements is essential and must be prioritized. Pay attention to the costs of additional features like CRM integration or real-time analytics. 

The total cost of ownership, encompassing maintenance and support spending, must be evaluated. 

Finally, the whole cost of ownership, including maintenance and support expenses, must be considered. Businesses may make an informed decision and choose the best B2B ecommerce platform for their financial resources and aims by carefully evaluating these aspects.

Cost Comparison of Different Platforms

When selecting a B2B ecommerce platform, it is essential to compare the pricing plans of various platforms. Seek out platforms that provide a satisfactory combination of features and support for the price. Additionally, assess the scalability of the platform and its compatibility with your budget. Analyze the pricing structures various platforms provide, encompassing subscription-based or pay-per-use alternatives. 

Further, consider any supplementary expenses such as setup fees or transaction fees. A comprehensive comparison of prices among different platforms allows you to identify the most optimal solution that balances cost-effectiveness and the requisite features for your business.

Choosing the Right B2B Ecommerce Solution for Your Business

Assessing your individual goals and objectives is important when selecting a B2B ecommerce solution for your business. It is critical to consider the platform’s scalability to support future expansion and the user experience and interface to ensure it is intuitive and user-friendly. It is best to look for platforms that allow for customization, allowing you to customize the solution to your specific company needs. Furthermore, the platform’s integration capabilities with other systems, such as ERP or CRM, must be evaluated to ensure a continuous data flow. Considering these criteria, you can choose a B2B ecommerce solution that matches your business objectives and improves operational efficiency.

Assessing Business Needs and Requirements

You must consider several factors to assess your B2B business needs and requirements. Start by identifying the specific requirements unique to your business, such as order management and inventory control. Additionally, consider the volume of transactions and the complexity of your product catalog. Assessing the necessity of tailored pricing, customized catalogs, and self-service functionalities is crucial. Consider the degree of customer service and support essential for your company. Lastly, remember to factor in any specific industry regulations or compliance requirements. These considerations will help you choose the right B2B ecommerce platform to meet your business needs.

Vendor Evaluation and Selection

When choosing a B2B ecommerce platform, it is crucial to research and evaluate different vendors. Consider the platform’s reputation, experience, and customer reviews. Evaluating the platform’s track record and customer satisfaction levels is essential. Additionally, assessing the vendor’s ability to provide ongoing support and updates is vital. 

To choose the perfect B2B ecommerce platform for your business, thoroughly analyze the vendor’s roadmap for upcoming enhancements and upgrades. This crucial step will enable you to identify the most suitable option confidently. By carefully considering these factors, business owners can confidently make a well-informed decision that aligns perfectly with their specific requirements and objectives. Following this approach, you will select the ideal B2B ecommerce platform to propel your business toward unprecedented success.

What is Better: A SaaS Solution or An Open-Source for the B2B store?

When considering a B2B store, evaluate which solution is better: a SaaS solution or open-source. SaaS offers easy setup and automatic updates, while open source provides flexibility and customization options. Assess the total cost of ownership and required technical expertise. Remember to consider security and data privacy features.

Open Source



The decision you make when choosing your B2B eCommerce platform impacts your digital success. With many options available, it’s imperative to prioritize your unique requirements and goals while evaluating different platforms. While selecting a platform, consider scalability, customization options, integration capabilities, user experience, and customer support. By doing thorough research and comparing various options, you can choose the ideal B2B e-commerce platform to unlock new growth opportunities and enhance your overall business operations. Seek expert advice or consult with industry professionals to make an informed decision without hesitation.

Investing in the right B2B ecommerce platform will not only streamline your operations but also enhance customer experience, drive sales, and ultimately contribute to the growth and success of your business.

Magento 1 end of Life – All you need to know

This is not a mystery anymore, Magento 1 End of Life is happening in 2020! Don’t wait until the last moment to migrate to Magento 2 or to another eCommerce platform.

To help you make the right decision for your business, we synthesize the most important dates that you need to be aware of. Don’t be left behind.

December 31, 2018: This is the date that PHP 5.6 goes End of Life. After this date, there won’t be any more security updates for this critical server software that most servers hosting Magento 1 website are utilizing. If you stay on an old version of PHP, your hosting account will inevitably have known security holes that hackers can exploit.

June 2020: This is the official date that Magento will stop publishing Community and Enterprise 1.x security patches. This should be seen as a red line for merchants. Once June 2020 comes and goes, any Magento 1 security vulnerabilities that are discovered are not expected to be addressed by the Magento team. This means that Magento 1 sites will become sitting ducks. This is the Magento 1 end of life!

November 30, 2020: While it’s not advisable to stay on Magento 1 past June 2020 for security reasons, if you’re the gambling type and take that risk, you’re going to have to contend with CentOS 6 going end of life too.

Our world-class team has 14+ years of eCommerce experience in development and digital marketing. We don’t mean to brag (ok, maybe just a little …) but migrations, integrations, and custom applications are atmosol’s forte. Plus, being a Magento partner has its perks, including access to vast amounts of exclusive resources. Discover the right solution for your business with a complimentary, holistic site audit from atmosol by talking to one of our eCommerce experts.

magento certified

Magento Vs Shopify – All you need to know!

January 14, 2019

Want to know which eCommerce platform helps you best achieve your business goals?

Making the final decision on which platform to use is difficult. Your decision will deeply impact future customer experience and scalability options. On top of that, you’re considering fixed costs, variable fees, catalog and product architecture, and more.

Rather than waste precious time and energy, atmosol created this handy guide as a shortcut to eCommerce success.

In today’s digital age, establishing a strong online presence is essential for the success of any business. E-commerce platforms have become the cornerstone of this online presence, offering entrepreneurs and retailers the tools to create, manage, and optimize their online stores. Among the many choices available, two platforms stand out as popular: Magento and Shopify. In this blog post, we’ll delve into both platforms’ features, pros, and cons to help you make an informed decision for your e-commerce venture.

Magento: The Open-Source Powerhouse

Magento, an open-source e-commerce platform, has gained a reputation for its flexibility and scalability. It offers two main editions: Magento Open Source (formerly known as Magento Community) and Magento Commerce (previously Magento Enterprise).

Pros of Magento:

  1. Customization: Magento provides a high degree of customization. Developers have access to the source code, enabling them to tailor the platform to unique business needs.

  2. Scalability: Magento excels in handling large inventories and high levels of traffic. It’s the go-to choice for businesses with ambitious growth plans.

  3. Feature-Rich: The platform comes with an extensive list of features, including advanced SEO capabilities, multi-store management, and powerful marketing tools.

  4. Community Support: Magento boasts a large and active community of developers, designers, and users who contribute to its continuous improvement.

Cons of Magento:

  1. Complexity: Magento’s flexibility comes at the cost of complexity. It can be challenging for non-technical users to set up and manage.

  2. Cost: While the open-source edition is free, the Commerce edition and the costs associated with hosting, development, and maintenance can be significant.

  3. Technical Expertise: Operating a Magento store effectively requires technical expertise. Businesses often need dedicated developers or agencies for ongoing support.

Shopify: The User-Friendly Solution

Shopify has gained immense popularity for its simplicity and ease of use. It offers an all-in-one solution, handling hosting, security, and updates for your online store.

Pros of Shopify:

  1. User-Friendly: Shopify is incredibly user-friendly, making it an ideal choice for beginners. Its drag-and-drop interface simplifies store setup and management.

  2. Hosting and Security: Shopify handles hosting and security, eliminating the need for users to worry about server maintenance or data breaches.

  3. App Ecosystem: Shopify’s app store offers a wide range of plugins and extensions that can add extra functionality to your store with a simple click.

  4. Mobile Ready: With a mobile-responsive design, Shopify stores are optimized for a seamless shopping experience on smartphones and tablets.

Cons of Shopify:

  1. Customization Limits: While Shopify allows customization, it’s not as flexible as Magento. Users may face limitations when trying to implement highly specific features.

  2. Monthly Costs: Shopify operates on a subscription model, with monthly fees that can add up over time. Additional costs include transaction fees for using external payment gateways.

  3. Scalability Concerns: While Shopify is suitable for small to medium-sized businesses, some larger enterprises might find its scalability options limited compared to Magento.

Choosing the Right Platform

Ultimately, the choice between Magento and Shopify depends on your business’s specific needs and your level of technical expertise. If you require extensive customization and have the resources for technical management, Magento could be your best bet. On the other hand, if you’re seeking a user-friendly solution that handles technical aspects for you, Shopify might be more appropriate.

Remember that migrating from one platform to another can be complex and time-consuming. It’s crucial to thoroughly evaluate your requirements before making a decision. Regardless of your choice, Magento and Shopify have proven their worth in the e-commerce landscape, helping countless businesses thrive in the digital marketplace.

Why Upgrade to Magento 2 – Benefits and more

Magento 1. x’s end-of-life date is June/July 2020. With only months’ notice before support ends, what should your eCommerce business do?
Magento 2 was released in 2015 and is known as being the best version of Magento. 

Magento 2’s improved performance and new features provide shoppers with a faster, easier online buying experience.

Magento 1 will continue to be officially supported with security issues patched until June 2020, however, no new features will be added. This means that if you are making major changes to your Magento store, you should seriously consider upgrading to Magento 2. In this document, we will point out the benefits of Magento 2 that you can instantly take advantage of once you upgrade which makes the costs of doing well worth it.

Improved Customer Experience

Magento has made huge strides in improving customer experience and reducing the friction points that lead to abandoned carts, especially on mobile devices. These improvements make shopping much more intuitive for your customers and will result in more sales from your store.

Below are a few of the improvements:

1. Improved Checkout: The checkout process is much smoother and simplified compared to Magento 1.

Making the checkout as simple as possible is vital to having high conversion rates and getting the most from your site when shoppers have such low tolerances for complications.

They simplified registration by allowing customers to create an account after ordering instead of during the checkout process.

Checkout now includes order details on every step to help keep the shoppers informed.

Fewer confusing choices (like registering for an account) and fewer forms mean a significant increase in conversions as customers focus on what matters: finishing the checkout process.

Improved PayPal Integration: Magento 2’s integration with PayPal has been improved by not requiring additional needless information such as a billing address that is handled by PayPal.

Order Summary Photos: The order summary in Magento 2 now includes product photos. This reduces ordering errors which cut down on returns and increase buyer confidence which leads to higher conversions.

2. Improved Search: Magento 2 has much-needed search improvements that allow customers to more quickly and efficiently find products. The default search engine has been switched to ElasticSearch for Enterprise Edition. Configuration and customization of ElasticSearch are simpler and faster, resulting in better search results and fewer development costs.

3.  Mobile Browsing Enhancements: 50% of online transactions are now performed on mobile devices. Magento 2 utilizes many of the enhancements mentioned above to greatly improve user experience on mobile. Browsing is much more complicated and slows on mobile, so many users rely heavily on search. By improving the search capabilities in Magento, your mobile users greatly benefit. Combining that with a much more streamlined mobile-friendly checkout and faster performance will result in a much higher conversion rate for your mobile shoppers.

How atmosol Can Help.

Upgrading to the new Magento 2 platform can be a daunting prospect. After all, Magento is supporting the revenue stream and online presence of your entire online business. If your eCommerce platform lets you down, then your entire business is at risk.

Even if you are thinking of staying with Magento 1 for the time being, it is a good idea to open a conversation with your Magento solution partners about how to best handle the future of your online business and put together a long-term transition plan.

At atmosol, we have been developing eCommerce sites for over 13 years. We are a Magento Professional Solution Partner with expertly trained staff capable of making your transition to Magento 2 a simple one. We would love the opportunity to discuss all the benefits and our commitment to your success with Magento 2.

Magento1 vs Magento 2 – Updated guide!

What’s New on Magento 1 vs Magento 2? When Magento 2.0 was first announced, merchants opted to step back and consider Magento 1 vs Magento 2. Let’s take a look inside to see the main differences.

Keep in mind that after an initial end-of-life date of November 2018 was removed, Magento has provided no definite end-of-life date, which increases uncertainty for store owners. With only 18 months’ notice before support ends, what should your eCommerce business do? Replatforming from Magento 1 to another platform is on the table, but you’ll be hard-pressed to find a platform with a comparable PaaS business model and deep customization. Also, if your business is B2B, you’ll need to upgrade Magento 1.x to Magento 2.x to get the Magento B2B module Lastly, you have the option to upgrade from Magento 1 to Magento 2. Before you do that, you’ll want to know what you’re getting into.

Top 5 Improvements

Let’s start with performance improvements for Magento 2 since it is one of the primary issues that store owners have on Magento.

1 – Magento 2 supports modern PHP, from PHP 5.5.x to PHP 7. Updated PHP versions include new security fixes and improvements that directly affect your online store’s speed. We strongly recommend using PHP 7 when building Magento 2 stores.

2 – On the server side, Magento 2 uses Varnish caching out of the box, so you don’t have to install a third party’s module.

3 – Magento 2 has bundled and minimized JavaScript. This modern JS solution reduces unnecessary browser operations on the client’s side.

4 – Images compression is streamlined. You can optimize images directly on server using Magento 2 built-in tools. With Magento 1, it was done manually.

5 – Process improvement of browser caching for static content.

A major difference with Magento 1 vs Magento 2 is that the admin panel in Magento 2 is much more user friendly and intuitive than before.

Let’s take a sneak peek at the main changes to the admin panel, shall we?

Modern admin panel navigation and interface:

With an expanded side menu, you can easily navigate to all parts of the admin panel, find information fast, and manage more efficiently. No more clicking around, or aimlessly guessing – rejoice!

Magento 2’s Dashboard shows:

– Lifetime Sales
– Average Order
– Last Orders
– Last and Top Search Terms
– Revenue Tax
– Shipping and Quantity
– Check Bestsellers and Customers

New step-by-step product creation tool makes new products upload easier. You can also link videos to your products and images:

With Magento 2, you can skip contacting your developers every time you want to add or remove columns on orders or your customers management grid. Instead, you can simply choose the required columns from the available list in the admin panel:

When you compare Magento 1 vs Magento 2, you get improved and faster product data import on Magento 2.

Marketing features that you’re familiar with from Magento 1 are as easy to find, including:

– Promotions
– User Content
– Communications
– SEO & Search
– Revenue Tax
– Shipping and Quantity
– Check Bestsellers and Customers

…all you need to keep your current customers loyalty and promote your store.

New & improved content section autofills all information about your company and stores itself:

Last, but not least is the Data Migration Tool. With this tool, you can transfer Magento 1 data to upgrade Magento 2 faster.

We’ve described a few of the most pronounced changes. Test out the new Magento 2 admin panel and you’ll see how much better it is compared with Magento 1.

Sneak Peek : Magento 2 Frontend

We’ve covered Magento 1 vs Magento 2’s admin panel improvements, but what about the frontend? Is the UI/UX better? What is the default theme now? Here is what we found about the Magento 2 frontend: The new Magento 2 Luma theme looks vastly superior to the default Magento 1 theme:

Responsive web design – users can easily shop and checkout from your store on any desktop or mobile device. Starting back in 2015, Google has granted higher ranking in search results for mobile-friendly stores. Faster frontend performance. Website visitors no longer have to wait for full pages to load to see the primary content. Checkout steps are improved so it’s easier for users to navigate. Guest checkout is an option (if this feature is set to “yes” in the admin panel) and Magento 2 automatically finds the existing registered customers by analyzing their email address:

Simplified registration during checkout where customers are able to create an account on the checkout success page.

Order details list the shopping cart with all products, their quantity, subtotal, and images. This allows customers to clearly see what they’ve ordered.

Billing information of the customers is sent directly from the website to the payment gateway, which is secure. Magento 2 includes PayPal, Authorize.net, Braintree, WorldPay and few other payment methods out of the box.

Magento 1 Vs Magento 2 SEO & Security

Strengthened passwords hashing algorithms (SHA-256).

Passwords are more resilient to the brute force and dictionary types of attacks.

Rich snippets on the catalog pages improve the look of search results in search engines.

Magento 2 Future Path

Adobe to Acquire Magento

Magento Marketplace – Magento released the Marketplace where you can find Magento 2 extensions.

Magento 2.1 released the B2B Module.

The popularity of Magento 2 grows every day. It has improved features that are both necessary and useful. While Magento 1 Merchants consider migration and wait for announcements to finally make that decision, development companies are creating more extensions exclusively for Magento

We can tell that Magento 2 is a massive improvement for both merchants and Magento Developers. If you upgrade Magento 1 to Magento 2, it takes time. Stay up-to-date and plan your next move before falling too far behind.

3 Ways the Magento B2B Module Blends Efficiency with UX

What are some of the biggest time-wasters in your daily routine? Chances are, it’s the little things. When small inefficiencies build up, they eventually eat away at your productivity, and ultimately, your bottom line.

Unlike B2C customers, B2B clients tend to be more business-minded and take additional marketing effort to win over. Still, that doesn’t mean they don’t want an easy, intuitive shopping experience that feels as natural as a B2C experience. On top of that, gaining clients and maintaining relationships becomes more challenging in B2B as you scale for growth – especially if your internal business processes are slow. Exceeding customer expectations requires heightened efficiency for agile adaptability. That’s why modern clients demand a platform optimized for speed, customization, and personalization. Stay ahead of the curve with the Magento B2B module, which offers streamlined, integrated, and convenient solutions – because if you can’t keep up with the increasing demands of B2B customers, they’ll find a competitor who will.

First, let’s identify some key differentiation points and considerations between B2B and B2C buyers:

Selling to companies is very different than selling to an individual customer. Magento’s B2B module is tailored to the unique needs of business-minded buyers by providing:

  • New B2B APIs
  • Payments on account
  • Request for quote workflow
  • Self-service company accounts
  • Customized catalogs and price lists
  • Buyer roles, permissions, and organizational structures
  • Quick ordering by SKU, requisition lists, and enhanced re-ordering

Buyer Side: View of Roles and Permissions.

Now, we can explore the specific benefits that Magento’s B2B module brings to your eCommerce business to reduce complexity throughout projects – allowing you to gain faster time to market and lower your total cost of ownership.

1. Magento streamlines your bidding process and inventory tracking so you can win contracts and get orders placed faster.

Reducing friction throughout the ordering process is crucial in all sales. Magento’s robust B2B module manages corporate accounts with efficient quoting and ordering systems to create a powerful buying experience as smooth as a B2C checkout. Feature-rich customizations make wholesale purchases a breeze by offering:

  • Per-unit costs
  • Bulk pricing tiers
  • Discounts for a range of order sizes
  • Sub-accounts with specific price lists
  • Payment & shipping options (Purchase Orders – Invoice Me – Authentication for P.O. and credit limits)
  • Quote creation tools that support pricing term negotiations

Buyer Side: Request a Quote Button.

And, of course, there’s negotiation. Being able to go back and forth nimbly in negotiation is still a major pain point for B2B eCommerce companies. The B2B module optimizes proposals with total cost data, product and shipping process, cross- and up-selling suggestions to increase AOV, and logs updates and communications in the quote history.

Merchant Admin: Assist Customers with Purchasing.

Magento didn’t forget about the customer experience either. With the new B2B module, your buyers can track quotes online from their accounts. Customers can track a quote’s status as it is pending and then easily move to check out once the quote is finalized.

Buyer Side: Quote Detail View

What does that mean for your business? No more calls to your sales rep! Magento’s B2B quoting and negotiation features expedite the smaller yet crucial tasks so you can keep your company agile with an effortlessly intuitive user experience.

2. Magento provides simplified, customizable features that allow you to optimize across all touch points.

From customer service to self-service, business buyers want a thoroughly engaging web and mobile-optimized experience. Consider that in 2016:

  • 53% of B2B buyers said they prefer gathering information online themselves. That’s why Magento’s autonomous, transparent information adds value to the buyer experience and caters to their wants and needs.
  • 93% of B2B buyers say they would rather purchase online than from a salesperson. If you haven’t already, consider upgrading your client’s ordering experience to stay relevant in today’s competitive digital marketplace.

Companies with consistent experiences across devices stand the best chance of appealing to clients, which is a no-brainer. Now, you can create a unified online shopping experience through Magento’s product catalog, strengthening your brand identity and increasing product awareness.

3. Seamlessly Integrate Your Business with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems and Industry-Specific Extensions.

Leveraging atmosol’s eCommerce development expertise and Magento’s global support ecosystem ensures that your backend systems are in the hands of those best equipped to craft your perfect B2B eCommerce solutions. Magento’s API is flexible, robust, and customizable enough to give you control in optimizing your buyer’s experience. From there, you can trust atmosol’s experienced professionals to implement SSL certificates, integrate payment gateways, stay PCI compliant, and create custom ERP system solutions.

Magento Commerce and Open Source Reduce Fraud Liability to Zero using Signifyd

Our world-class team has 13+ years of eCommerce experience in development and digital marketing. We don’t mean to brag (maybe just a little …), but migrations, integrations, and custom applications are atmosol’s forte. Being a Magento partner has its perks, including access to vast amounts of exclusive resources. Give your B2B clients a light, enjoyable B2C experience with responsive apps that solve your business’s unique pain points.

Ultimately, if your business fails to deliver a convenient B2B purchasing experience with accurate inventory and pricing, you will lose in today’s hyper-competitive landscape. Wholesalers are looking for hassle-free ordering because our busy schedules demand efficiency. The best way to stay relevant is to reduce friction and eliminate pain points for your buyers and yourself. For B2B, investing in long-term initiatives that enhance your value proposition and deepen your differentiation from competitors is a win-win.

Discover the right solution for your business with a complimentary, holistic site audit from atmosol by talking to one of our eCommerce experts.